keep art alive; art by 2h
the november spawned a possible novel endeavor begins and this is the first words of advice to land in my lap, from one of my most favorite authors:
as the great nelson algren once said, “any writer who knows what he's doing isn't doing very much.” most really good fiction is compelled into being. it comes from a kind of uncalculated innocence. you need not have your ending in mind before you commence. indeed, you need not be certain of exactly what's going to transpire on page 2. if you know the whole story in advance, your novel is probably dead before you begin it. give it some room to breathe, to change direction, to surprise you. writing a novel is not so much a project as a journey, a voyage, an adventure.
a topic is necessary, of course; a theme, a general sense of the nexus of effects you'd like your narrative to ultimately produce. beyond that, you simply pack your imagination, your sense of humor, a character or two, and your personal world view into a little canoe, push it out onto the vast dark river, and see where the currents take you. and should you ever think you hear the sound of dangerous rapids around the next bend, hey, hang on, tighten your focus, and keep paddling---because now you're really writing, baby! this is the best part.
it's a bit like being out of control and totally in charge, simultaneously. if that seems tricky, well, it's a tricky business. try it. It'll drive you crazy. and you'll love it. ~ tom robbins
and what do i think of this? what comes to mind and brings tears to my eyes? my dear mr. robbins, you could have just described love. and, thank you, i needed to hear this today more than i have words to convey. and now, on to that possible novel.
love is nothing, nothing, nothing
like they say
you gotta pick up the little pieces everyday
yeah cause it's definitely NOT I repeat NOT the canoe ride at Disneyland, he's going on about.
ReplyDeletebut damn it is love isn't it.
definitely not the disney canoes (which you were the first one to ever get me on, btw).
ReplyDeleteit is love though. it is. it is. it is. kind of hit a heavy punch with me this morning, when i read it.