Sunday, November 18, 2007


"some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don't fit into boxes.”

tori amos

1 comment:

  1. No boxes at all Lucy.... and since you need a smile and I was relating this story to my pirate.

    I found the song... Perhaps you know why I only knew certian lyrics to this song at such a tender age.

    Leave to grandpa to turn a dirty song to one for his granddaughter's freckles on her nose and fanny.

    And Im sure grandma Margurite still rolling in her grave spitting at the Oh my's Katie... and asking you if you've told me about the birds and the bees yet.Or better yet maybe she really knew the song and was faking it. Was a big old pop tart back in the day... and it wasn't the Sears appliance catalog that really did for her like she said but the song.

    (Harry Stewart / Larry Vincent)

    Larry Vincent & His Lookout Boys - 1946

    Now I've got a girl that I'm just simply wild about
    Folks say that I sure am a lucky boy
    Well ev'rywhere we go, the folks all rave about
    This pretty little bundle of joy

    She's got freckles on her but.......she's pretty
    And when she's in my arms it's paradise
    Oh she smells just like a rose
    From her head down to her toes
    She's got freckles on her but.......she's pretty

    (Instrumental Break)
    (Yes....Well, howdy-doody, doody....Wave on, brother, yes, yes)
    (Instrumental Break)

    She's got freckles on her but.......she's pretty
    And when she's in my arms it's paradise
    All the sailors give her a chase
    'Cause they love her navel base
    She's got freckles on her but.......she's pretty

    (Instrumental Break)
    (Yes, a-rompin' and a-stompin' around now....Take it out, Eddie)
    (Instrumental Break)

    She's got freckles on her but.......she's pretty
    And when she's in my arms it's paradise
    She looks just like my Nelly
    From her head down to her elbow
    She's got freckles on her but.......she's pretty

    (Instrumental Break)
    (Ah, yes, sure soundin' nice....Ain't it the truth)
    (Instrumental Break)

    She's got freckles on her but.......she's pretty
    And when she's in my arms it's paradise
    In a classroom she's a loafer
    But get her on a sofa
    She's got freckles on her but.......she's pretty, yes

    She's got freckles on her but.......she's pretty
    And when she's in my arms it's paradise
    She was born in Hackensack
    She made a fortune on her career
    She's got freckles on her but.......she's pretty

    (Song contributed and transcibed by John Hauser and Mel Priddle
    - Sept 2003 from the Hank Penny recording which featured several
    asides/ad-libs to the musicians between verses. These would not
    have appeared in Larry Vincent's original version)
