a more complete review will follow later, because the show has worked it's way up into my top five of all-time. jenny lewis gave me a shot of just about everything i needed last night. there is nothing quite like singing at the top of your lungs, dancing, being with good friends, and crying because a song just wraps you up and understands, and gets it. and gets you.
there were other songs that hit me hard, one other especially, but it was this song - and specifically this part of the song - that was clearly the truth i needed to hear right now. and i will, you know...someday...i will be happy.
thank you, miss lewis.
"and sometimes when you're on
you're really fucking on
and your friends they sing along
and they love you
but the lows are so extreme
that the good seems fucking cheap
and it teases you for weeks in its absence
but you'll fight and
you'll make it through
you'll fake it if you have to
and you'll show up for work with a smile
and you'll be better
you'll be smarter
more grown up
and a better daughter
or son
and a real good friend
and you'll be awake
you'll be alert
you'll be positive though it hurts
and you'll laugh and embrace all of your friends
and you'll be a real good listener
you'll be honest
you'll be brave
you'll be handsome
and you'll be beautiful
you'll be happy."
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