blossomed between us, 3000 miles
of wild silk rippling. on the other side
on the last day of may, four years ago, you were born and in that time you have changed my life forever. you are the best bits and pieces of family, and of those who love you. you have connections on both sides of the ocean, and sometimes i think that you are some of that magic that keeps us all together.
since the first time you heard this song, and everytime since (no matter what version or incarnation), you have loved it. danced around and asked for it, again and again, especially the oh, oh, oh, oh's at the start. now you drum to it, as you seem to have rhythm and the count of numbers as part of your inner-workings. today you stood up on the arm of the couch and sang along, the vaccuum as your microphone.
four years ago you came along and there is not a day i am not grateful. you help me see the world differently, and you teach me about strength and gentleness, trust and silence, and to pay attention to the smallest details (like a change in breath, a barely there sound, the backbeat in a song). i love you, max. thank you for being my son.
happy birthday. and here, another go at the song. yeah, i'll turn it up all the way.
the episode was called 'the constant', and was about time shifting and travel, losing yourself, and how there is one thing that is each person's constant. there is more to it, more to the plot and construct of the series, but even if taken out of context it is moving, and meaningful.
one must remember the constants in our lives, and when we find that, we should never give it up.
"there's nothing you can make that can't be made.
no one you can save that can't be saved.
nothing you can do but you can learn how to be in time.
it's easy.
all you need is love."
tired of england ~ dirty pretty things
"how can they be tired of london?
the scents in the air on a warm day,
generation of hope that sees better days,
but moving along in the same old ways."
first single and video release, from the upcoming album romance at short notice. good on you, boys.
"i wish i was both
young and stupid."
sometimes i find myself knee-deep in nostalgia, wishing for a past that has those gold-rimmed truths that really aren't so true. memory paints itself the way the soul wants to see it, and in all the ways i was stronger then, i was weaker, too. i suppose we trade life for wisdom, mistrust for compassion, indecision for hope. though sometimes what you take with you is insecurity, loss, and the internalized self-loathing.
i cringe sometimes at how entertained we all are by self-deprecating humor. not that i am any better at it, not at all. it is always so easier to cling to misery, to fear, to obstacles. to lose yourself so completely that you settle for less because maybe you never had better, or perhaps you keep being reminded that you are not good enough for what you truly want.
so we run, we collapse, we hide, and we crumble. for me, sometimes i wish for when i was younger. a trick i play with my heart that i felt more then, or took to heart less. always the one to love less, to hide more, to act rash in ways that ultimately pulled the rug out from under me.
how does one break that cycle though? how does one take the steps towards being the person they are meant to be?
"though nothing,
will keep us together,
we could steal time,
just for one day."
some people save you and never know they have, and some people they disappear before you've had enough time to save them right back. this is for one of those people.
"can i say,
i wish that this weather would never leave?
it just gets hard to believe,
that god sent this angel to watch over me.
cause my angel,
(s)he don't receive my calls,
says i'm to dumb to fuck,
to dumb to fight,
to dumb to save.
well, maybe i don't need no angel at all."
"how i wish you could see the potential,
the potential of you and me.
it's like a book elegantly bound,
but in a language that you can't read - just yet.
you gotta spend some time, love,
you gotta spend some time with me.
and i know that you'll find, love,
i will possess your heart,
i will possess your heart.
there are days when outside your window,
i see my reflection as i slowly pass.
and i long for this mirrored perpective,
when we'll be lovers,
lovers at last.
you gotta spend some time, love,
you gotta spend some time with me.
and i know that you'll find, love,
i will possess your heart,
i will possess your heart.
i will possess your heart,
i will possess your heart.
you reject my advances,
and desperate pleas.
i won't let you,
let me down so easily,
so easily.
you gotta spend some time, love,
you gotta spend some time with me.
and i know that you'll find, love,
i will possess your heart,
i will possess your heart.
i will possess your heart,
i will possess your heart."
oh my stars, the new death cab for cutie is fucking amazing. and this video, the mood set in a way that is reminiscent of lost in translation, and the girl in it, so much like charlotte, wandering around in a city alone, in search of her self. something about that, it pulls at my inner workings, and my desires to just be free.
"things won’t be strange any day now,
they change every day.
hey things won’t be bad all the time now,
stay bad all the time."
live at the troubador, adam green was charming and witty, energetic and silly, and just a damn good time. his music, touching on everything from rockabilly, blues, folk (or anti-folk, as i've heard him refer to it), glam, to indie rock, is infectious, and addictive; i found it hard to stay still in my place by the bar, ever wanting to spin around in circles, or rush to the front of the pit, closer to the stage.
adam seems to be one of those artists who are in-tune with their audience, exchanging connection and energy, and making on the fly set-list changes to fit the mood of the room. it helps when an artist does this in a small venue, and the troubador was the perfect setting for it. the audience, as wide-ranged as the songs, played along with all of it - dancing, shouting out requests, laughing, and interracting with each other. as i said before, infectious and addictive.
also, adam is just a sweetheart. genuine, humble, rambly, and nervous when we spoke with him. he is one of those people you'd just like to buy a drink for and tease a conversation out of, one that you know will wander all over the place, and back again, and have you both laughing and thinking, a lot.
he's a damn good time, truly.
adam green, the troubador, west hollywood, may 21, 2008
"long ago,
and oh so far away,
i fell in love with you,
before the second show.
your guitar,
it sounds so sweet and clear,
but you're not really there,
it's just the radio."
the original of this song, by the carpenters, lives in my own childhood history alongside roberta flack's killing me softly. something about the pair of them, and a pre-adolescent girl's fancy for musicians and far off places (her wandering gypsy nature captured in a song, and soulful eyes). suppose i had a grasp on the sadness of love, the loneliness when much of your heart is tied up in songs, and yet there is something lasting - far beyond promises, lies, trysts in the backseats of cars, first kisses, make ups and break ups. the songs still play, they hold on longer, they do not forget the initial blushes and dreams. they do not warm you in the cold hours of the middle of the night, but there is something they bring, something to count on, something to trust.
"so, so you think you can tell,
heaven from hell?
blue skies from pain?
can you tell a green field,
from a cold steel rail?
a smile from a veil?
do you think you can tell?
and, did they get you to trade
your heroes for ghosts?
hot ashes for trees?
hot air for a cool breeze?
cold comfort for change?
and did you exchange a walk on part in the war
for a lead role in a cage?
how i wish,
how i wish you were here.
we're just two lost souls,
swimming in a fish bowl,
year after year.
running over the same ground,
what have we found?
the same old fears.
wish you were here."
i love you both.
"pick up the phone i know you're there
it's almost closing time
& we can toss down one more shot
before last call
are you ok?
i swear to god
i gotta get out of this house
i miss the days when i'd just
not come home at all..
so, don't you cry, it'll give you lines
around your eyes
you gotta try not to live so much of
life alone.
& if i see you getting crazy
by the bottom of the bottle
take me home, take me home,
i'll take
you home
remember when we used to stumble
down the boulevard
from bar to bar until we couldn't stagger straight
it seemed like we would live forever,
life was not this hard
no we felt nothing much at all
but it felt great
so, don't you cry it'll give you lines
around your eyes
you gotta try not to live so much of
life alone
& if i see you getting crazy by the bottom of the bottle,
take you home, i'll take you home,
i'll take you home.
things get better everyday you stay alive
then i'm amazed
every day
that the sun decides to rise
every minute, every hour, is another
chance to change
life is beautiful & terrible & strange.
so don't you cry, it'll give you lines around
your eyes
you gotta try not to live so much of life alone
& if i see you getting crazy by the bottom
of the bottle,
take you home, i'll take you home, i'll take you home.
now don't you cry,
it'll give you lines around your eyes
you gotta try not to live so much of life alone
& if you see me getting crazy by the bottom of the bottle,
take me home, take me home, take me home."
"their way,
forces your hand.
there was no way to tell you,
i just hoped you'd understand.
i was waiting for you,
alone with that boy.
he needed a sympathy,
he just didn't want to have to say why.
this way i'll always be for you,
and to see you now and help me on.
you know they like to knock me down,
but i don't stay down for very long.
i couldn't win,
but i could lose.
and so the time had come,
and i knew i'd have to choose.
but that kiss,
i take to the end,
until the next time i get to see you again.
this way i'll always be for you,
and to know you now will see me through.
away you know i knew you there,
and to see you now and help me on.
you know they like to knock me down,
but i don't stay down for very long.
they try to sing their wayward song,
but oh what a way i found.
this way i'll always be for you,
and to know you now will see me through.
away you know i knew you there,
i don't stay down for very long.
you know they like to knock me down,
but i don't stay down for very long.
they tried to say their wayward song,
but oh what a way i found."
"why should he come back through the park?
you thought that you saw him but no you did not.
it's not him who'd come across,
the sea to surprise you,
not him who would know,
where in london to find you.
with sadness so real that it populates,
the city and leaves you homeless again.
steam from the cup and snow on the path,
the seasons have changed from present to past.
the past,
the past,
turns whole to half,
the past.
why should he come back through the park?
you thought that you saw him but no you did not.
who can be sure of anything through,
the distance that keeps you,
from knowing the truth.
why would you think your boy could become,
the man who could make you sure he was the one?
the one,
my one,
my one."
"you were mother nature's son,
someone to whom i could relate,
your needle and your damage done,
remains a sordid twist of fate.
now i'm trying to wake you up,
to pull you from the liquid sky,
cos if i don't we'll both end up,
with just your song to say goodbye."
"i am a hippy's son,
i'm in to porn and guns,
i'm virile, fertile,
i scream when i come.
related to you all,
by six degrees.
i am a fire sign,
i've never swum with the tide,
spreading honey on thorns,
and truths that rhyme.
my stories are all tall.
but it's so obvious,
it's bloody outrageous,
they try and they try,
but they'll just never save us.
hush hush my love,
come fall into these arms,
hush hush my love,
come fall into these arms.
hush hush my love."
from the second dirty pretty things album, romance at short notice, to be released on june 30. i've heard a few songs recorded live from recent shows, and saw the lyrics to many of them. to be honest, i was not terribly impressed with this song until i heard the recently released single (given away free here). before i knew it i'd listened to it 10 times in a row, and i've had to admit i quite like it.
i know this album has been a struggle from the start, but i wish them all the best, and that this will be a huge success.
never is a promise ~ fiona apple
"you'll never see the courage i know,
it's colors richness won't appear within your view.
i'll never glow - the way that you glow,
your presence dominates the judgements made on you.
but, as the scenery grows, i see in different lights,
the shades and shadows undulate in my perception.
my feelings swell and stretch; i see from greater heights,
i understand what i am still too proud to mention - to you.
you'll say you understand, but you don't understand,
you'll say you'd never give up seeing eye to eye,
but never is a promise, and you can't afford to lie.
you'll never touch - these things that i hold,
the skin of my emotions lies beneath my own.
you'll never feel the heat of this soul,
my fever burns me deeper than i've ever shown - to you.
you'll say, don't fear your dreams, it's easier than it seems.
you'll say you'd never let me fall from hopes so high.
but, never is a promise, and you can't afford to lie.
you'll never live the life that i live,
i'll never live the life that wakes me in the night.
you'll never hear the message i give,
you'll say it looks as though i might give up this fight.
but, as the scenery grows, i see in different lights,
the shades and shadows undulate in my perception.
my feelings swell and stretch, i see from greater heights,
i realize what i am now too smart to mention - to you.
you'll say you understand, you'll never understand,
i'll say i'll never wake up knowing how or why.
i don't know what to believe in, you don't know who i am,
you'll say i need appeasing when i start to cry.
but, never is a promise,
and i'll never need a lie."
"and if i could be who you wanted,
if i could be who you wanted,
all the time, all the time."
i was perusing this space, full of that sad stain of nostalgia that feels weighted and rough. one of those moments where i think i'll either start at the beginning and see what the fuck i was on about, or just stop all this writing. i guess the words are too strong, and the music, well i'm not ever able to let the music go. and it dawns on me, terms like synchronicity and fate, karma if you like, if you open your eyes up and listen to your insides, everywhere you truly look will have a gift to give.
i cannot give up the writing, nor the music, never, ever, ever. i may be lousy at love, but this, i think i just might be good at this.
turn back to the start of this space, and this is what i found (guess i needed to remember):
there are ways we decide to express ourselves; be it in the way we write, talk, think, dream, invest our time, or as i tend to do more often than not, through the music we listen to. i may wake up with invisible tape over my lips, rendering me silent and wordless, but what spins in my car stereo or streams through my headphones, is where most of my truths lie. sometimes i get lost in the twists and turns of a simple lyrical refrain, other times the simple pleas of a singer wailing into the mic reduce me to a pool of tears, or bring on such strength and renewal that i swear i could fly.
inside the songs i often hide confessions, longing and unnamed pain. it seems easier to tuck them away in a melody, and to throw them out into the ether of existence and airwaves - the music keeps all my secret wishes safe and sound. sometimes i tie ribbons around them, leave soft kisses on the curve of each note, slide them into a brown-paper package, and send them off to the hands and ears of someone else. they are my gifts of heart and mind, they are my love, my anger, my logic, and my dreams. music is connection to me, and if the receiver is too far away to touch, the songs are my offered hand to hold, my fingers entwined with theirs, my arms wrapped around them in a long embrace.
at times, the songs are enough to fill the ache and pull of distance and regret. other nights, though, they are the strung-out reminders of a damaged heart awash in loneliness. the liner notes are etched in a scrawl too convoluted to see clearly, but if i could make out the words, they would sound something like i miss you, i wish you woulda put yourself in my suitcase. and your un-written replies, well i imagine them alight in the burned spirals on that cd you sent; the one i still carry around with me everywhere.
pacific coast highway (demo) ~ courtney love
"i knew a boy who came from the sea,
he was the only boy who ever,
knew the truth about me.
i'm overwhelmed and undersexed,
baby, what did you expect?
i'm overwrought and so disgraced,
i'm too ashamed to show my face.
and they're coming to take me away now,
what i want i will never have;
i'm on the pacific coast highway,
with your gun in my hand.
i knew a boy who left me so ravaged,
do you even know the extent,
of the damage?
my dirty little secret died,
in between the sheets,
and the promises that killed me,
from your eyes.
i'm bloody and totally bound,
i don't know what to do with my hands now;
i surrender, i give in,
i'll kick down your door if you don't let me in.
and i've lost myself completely,
i look to you, my true desire,
i'm on the pacific coast highway,
god how did you fall so far?
your whole world is in my hands,
your whole wide world is in my hands."
not the best video, as i'm not quite fond of a slide show of images, especially when so many are watermarked. but, this is the only full version of this song that i can find at the moment. this is a demo from courtney's upcoming album 'nobody's daughter', and i have fallen for it pretty hard. lyrics that rattle at the core of my insides, as i sit up far too late into the night still sick, and longing for a conversation with the sea.