Tuesday, August 7, 2007

don't propose to a girl on a bus

"you know what your problem is, june carter? you are afraid to be in love, you are afraid of losing control, and you know what june carter, i think you are afraid of livin' in my big fat shadow." ~ johnny cash

"oh really? is that what my problem is?" ~ june carter

"yes." ~ johnny cash

"my problem is that it's 2 a.m. my problem is i'm asleep. i'm on a tour bus with eight stinkin' men. rule number one: don't propose to a girl on a bus, you got that? rule number two: don't tell her it's because you had a bad dream." ~ june carter

"june." ~ johnny cash

"what?" ~ june carter

"marry me." [june glares] "ok...ok fine...but that's the last time i'm asking..." ~ johnny cash

"well, good. i hate reruns." ~ june carter

johnny + june, walk the line

1 comment:

  1. tee hee

    Don't want to be that little dutch boy with his finger in the dam!
